Demonstrations and Artefact Track

The Persuasive 2024 track on Demonstrations and Artefact is intended to foster discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners from academia and industry by demonstrating or presenting hardware and software products or artefacts, including those in virtual settings (e.g., simulation systems, VR, and games), that range from early research prototypes to mature production-ready systems. The contribution should be the result of original, innovative work, including solving novel technical or research problems, and/or creating novel individual or industrial UI/UX. Accepted demonstrations or presentations shall be presented live during the conference.

Extended Abstracts

Contributions of interest include products or artefacts that relate to human emotions, attitudes, behavior, and (but not necessarily) persuasion for behavior change. Interested contributors should submit a 2-page abstract in CEUR format that will discuss (and will be reviewed) according, but not limited, to the following:

  1. Relevance and motivation for the prototype, tool, or system, including actual or potential usage scenarios; 2. novelty and how it relates to previous research or industrial efforts; 3. objectives, requirements (including the amount of physical space required), architecture, and inner workings; and 4. validation (if any), such as through simulations or actual user evaluations.

It would also be helpful to provide a video or external link in case the product is public.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions shall be made through EasyChair (
  • Please consult CEUR authors’ guidelines when preparing your extended abstracts:
  • Make sure to use the template, either for LaTeX or for Word, when preparing your abstract. The final submission shall be in PDF.
  • All submissions must be anonymized for a double-blind review process. That means removing author names, emails and affiliations and avoiding any explicit reference to the authors’ identity in the paper.

Track committee members will review each submission on its merits and quality. Accepted abstracts will be included in the adjunct conference proceedings (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).


At least one author of each accepted submission is required to register and attend the conference for presentation or demonstration, which includes Q&A discussion. Videos of accepted demonstrations, if available, may be played during breaks to provide their maximum visibility.

Important Dates

Submission deadlineFebruary 02, 2024 February 16, 2024 – 23:59 (GMT)
Decision notificationFebruary 21, 2024
Camera-readyFebruary 28, 2024


Track Chair

Roberto Legaspi, KDDI Research

Track Program Committee

  • Rhodora Abadia, University of South Australia
  • Zelinna Pablo, Torrens University Australia
  • Rhia Trogo Pantola, IBM Philippines
  • Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn, Kyoto University
  • Paul Salvador Inventado, California State University Fullerton


For inquiries, please email Roberto Legaspi at xre-roberuto[@] (please remove the [] when sending an email).